Governing Council

September 17, 2020


  1. Welcome and Conflict-of-Interest
  2. Member Check-in – Each Council representative presents a SHORT summary of the status of their organization. For example:
  • What effect has the pandemic had on operations and revenue?
  • What plans are you actively pursuing; what’s on hold?

The discussion will set the stage for History Trust strategic planning. Please keep in mind that if everyone took only 2 minutes that would consume most of our meeting! Just the highlights, please.

  1. History Trust Bylaws – What issues must be addressed before approving the History Trust Bylaws distributed on September 8? Do you have the authority from your organization to vote to adopt the Bylaws? Here is the link again - DRAFT BYLAWS
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Other
  4. Next Meeting

Contact Bruce Jacobson with any questions: 617-263-2233



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