Great Cranberry Island Historical Society’s December 2020 newsletter chronicles their accomplishments and looks forward to 2021. Of particular interest to History Trust members is the article about the society’s longtime archivist, Anne Grulich, who moved to Colorado in June.

COVID changed my life. After a long drive across a confused country in May, Gerry and I landed on our feet in Durango, Colorado, and I even found a job working from our new home with the Cedar Mesa Perishables Project. I miss you all and wish you’d email me to keep me posted on Island happenings.

Anne Grulich

You will also learn of the work by Pixie Lauer, Ben Sumner, intern Lisa Curtis, and many others who carry on with the indexing, safe storage, and digitizing of the Cranberry Island Historical Society collection.

There’s much more about the island’s past, and the efforts of many to bring Cranberry Island’s history forward, in the semi-annual newsletter. See for yourself.

Mount Desert Island has been Bruce’s home base since 1984, first working with Maine Coast Heritage Trust, then the National Park Service, and now as a consultant to nonprofits.